Cherry Elixade

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  • Regular price $20.96

Premier Black Cherry Juice Concentrate
  • Fresh pressed juice from fresh, premier grown cherries
  • No added sugar or sweeteners, no preservatives or fillers, no artificial colors or flavors
  • Meticulously processed for great nutrition and outstanding taste
Cherry Elixade™ contains a premier quality black cherry juice concentrate that is made from premier grown cherries. It has a rich, delicious taste with the full spectrum of the cherry’s naturally occurring phytonutrients.


To benefit from its broad spectrum of nutrition, simply mix one ounce in one cup of water or other juice - or add some to a favorite beverage. A tablespoon or two works well as a delicious dessert topping.

Cherry Elixade™ is meticulously processed for great nutrition and outstanding taste. It is kosher certified with no added sugar, sweeteners, preservatives, fillers or artificial colors and flavors.