EMF Protection Paint

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EMF Protection Paint

EMF Protection Paint is truly magical.  This paint can be used to reharmonize 5G, EMF's and sha chi (depolarizing energy) from cell phones, tablets, watches and jewelry (including gemstones), mirrors, ac units, smart meters, WiFi, car/motorcycle engines, incoming home water lines, circuit breaker boxes, and more.  The best part is you can test the before and after effects if you are familiar with any type of muscle/energy testing.  Reharmonizing your home accounts for 1/3 of your total health.  Your genetics and daily life choices make up the other 2/3.  Living in an energetically weak space has negative consequences on your physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health and can negatively impact your relationships and your financial health.  EMF Protection Paint fixes many of the most problematic energy drains in your home.  Complete instructions will be mailed with your paint.  One jar is enough to complete at least 3 homes and several vehicles.

"EMF Protection Paint is amazing!  Days before using the paint, we had internet and wifi installed in our home.  The days following the wifi installation, I had high anxiety.  Within 10 minutes of using the EMF Protection Paint on my router, my anxiety had disappeared!  It was amazing!  Since using the product, my husband has also noticed changes. He never remembers his dreams, but now he wakes up remembering vivid dreams!  Jayme's instructions on using the product were easy to follow, and she quickly answered my questions!  There is an amazing peace within my home now!"  S.P. Texas


EMF Protection Paint Instructions

This paint can be used to reharmonize EMF's and sha chi (depolarizing energy) from cell phones, tablets, watches and jewelry (including gemstones), mirrors, ac units, smart meters, WiFi, car/motorcycle engines, incoming home water lines, circuit breaker boxes, cell towers and windows.  The best part is you can test the before and after effects if you are familiar with any type of muscle/energy testing or dowsing.  Proper energetics in your home accounts for 1/3 of your total health.  Your genetics and daily life choices make up the other 2/3.  Living in an energetically weak space has negative consequences on your physical, emotional and spiritual health and can negatively impact your relationships and your financial health.  Auric Living’s EMF fixes many of the most problematic energy drains in your home.


This paint may be used directly on the object you are remediating or you may place a sticker on the object and paint the sticker if you are concerned about painting directly on the object.

You will either put a dot of paint between the size of an eraser head and a dime,  or a swipe of paint, typically about 3 inches.  This paint is very strong.  You do not need a lot of it.

Phones and Tablets- Remove your phone case.  Swipe the back of your phone, top, middle and bottom (ideally over the battery).  This will reharmonize your phone.  It will also strengthen the field of the person you are speaking with over the phone, even if their phone has not been reharmonized.  Tablets should have a dot about the size of a dime on the top and bottom of the back.  I recommend a dot in the four corners of the case as well.

WiFi Router- Swipe the underside of the router preferably over the barcode if there is one.  Also swipe any surge protectors and the back or underside of any speakers.  (The music will test positively after remediating the speakers.)

Electrical Cords- Place a swipe of paint all the way around the electrical cord plug on all the cords in your house (just below where your thumb touches the plug- typically there are 3 concentric rings here).  On iPhone chargers it is the small band and there will be one on each end of the cord.

Circuit Breaker Box- Find your circuit breaker box.  (That’s the hard part.)  Open the door and place a swipe of paint horizontally above and below the switches.  Find any additional breakers for pools and water heaters if you have them and swipe on the side of the switches if there is just one row, or the top of the switch if there is a single breaker.

Water Lines- Place a swipe of paint around your incoming water line and inbound and outgoing water heater lines (copper or pvc) lines.  (You can energy test your running water before and after.)  You may also paint the circumference around your shower head and around water lines under the sink.  

AC Unit- Place a swipe of paint on your AC unit.  Go around the tubes coming out of the unit if possible.  There are usually three or so.  Remediate both the inside air handler and the compressor outside.  (Feel free to energy test your air coming out of your ducts before and after you do this.  It’s mind boggling!)

Smart Meter- Place a 3” swipe under and over your smart meter on the metal.   If you live in a condo or apartment building, many are usually housed together in a closet somewhere.  Be kind and swipe all your neighbor’s meters.  It’s good karma and will help strengthen your field even more.

Windows and Mirrors- Place 4 dots in the top and bottom corners of windows on the wall that is perpendicular to the window.  This is important.  Windows and mirrors create a large amount of sha chi (fast moving, depolarizing energy).  Acrylic mirrors are preferable to glass.

Car/Motorcycle/Boat (or other) Engines- Place a swipe on a metal part of the engine block and a dot on the ignition switch.  Also put two dots under the dash on either side of the steering wheel.  This is important for protecting reproductive organs.

Cell Tower- Do you have a cell tower on top of your condo or within 2 miles of your home?  Place two swipes on the chainlink fence outside of your tower and/or a 360º swipe around the base of the metal fence.  Yes, it’s enough to reharmonize the whole tower.  Wow! I also suggest using a PG mini boulder and an Earth to Sky Tower if possible.

Electrical Poles- If you have electrical poles outside your house that you want to reharmonize, place one swipe around the circumference of the ground wire that runs from the pole into the earth.  (A few feet up from the ground is fine.  Sometimes there is a covering you have to go above or under.)  This will affect many other poles as well.

Other- pool pumps, water cooler lines, the underside of your refrigerator, stove and microwave, (two swipes bottom corners of doors), and any other device or appliance that you feel is creating energy shifts in your home or that you touch regularly.

PG Mini Boulders- Bury in dirt next to all interior ad exterior corners of your home.  This will cancel out the rebar grid and help harmonize geopathic stress, allowing your home to connect to the Schumann Resonance of the Earth.  You can also place one under your smart meter and if you have a slope or water feature they can be used to remediate these.  (Call for specifics).

* You are completely and fully responsible for your use of this paint.  This is a professional grade shielding paint and will block frequencies (including 5G) if applied in 3 layers to 99.98% effectiveness.  It ALSO works on a quantum level to ground and change the resonance of frequencies and potentially switch the directional spin of electrons.  It turns harmful frequencies into beneficial frequencies that support and strengthen your biofield.  This is MAINLY how I am recommending the paint be used.  You do not need to use three layers of paint or completely cover anything if you are using it this way.  For highly sensitive individuals you can paint the inside of your cellphone case in layers.  Advanced dowsers can test acupuncture points or chakras before and after remediating the house to see how the biofield is affected.