Zeolite Powder (Clinoptilolite) with Fulvic/Humic Complex

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Zeolite Powder (Clinoptilolite) with Fulvic/Humic Complex

Weight:  150g

Contains 100% pure and powerful Australian superfine zeolite powder with added fulvic acid and humic acid.


Zeolite powder with added fulvic acid and humic acid.  Humic substances (fulvic acid and humic acid) have many health benefits as they help to:

  • restore electrical conductivity in the body
  • aid cellular respiration
  • increase energy
  • inhibit the growth of many viruses including HIV, herpes and influenza
  • detoxify pollutants
  • enhance and transport nutrients

Both the Australian zeolite powder and the Hungarian fulvic/humic complex used in our products are the finest quality available and very powerful in their own right but when blended together they form a synergistic energy of rock and plant based minerals which is even more powerful. This dynamic action can take some people by surprise when they experience uncomfortable over-detoxing symptoms such as headaches, nausea and stomach pains if they overdo it instead of taking it slowly. Before you start taking our products, please remember …

  • If you have serious health problems consult your health practitioner first.
  • Drink plenty of water as zeolite is dehydrating and may cause constipation. If you have kidney problems, be cautious about your water intake and take minimum doses of zeolite. Consult your health practitioner first.
  • Taking 10 g or more of zeolite powder per day over an extended period may cause some loss of nutrition.
  • Do not take antibiotics, probiotics, iodine, iron, products with high levels of phosphorous such as lecithin or oil based supplements within 30 minutes of taking zeolite powder.
  • Do not take zeolite powder while you are taking a medication containing heavy metals. Instead, take zeolite after stopping the medication to help rid your body of the heavy metals.
  • If you are having chemotherapy or radiation therapy, take zeolite before, between and after treatments but not during treatments.
  • Check with the manufacturer, a pharmacist or a doctor before taking quinolones, theophylline, propanolol, phenobarbitol, Warfarin and immunosuppressants. If you are in doubt, do not take zeolite.
  • If you have had surgery, wait a few weeks for your body to readjust before taking zeolite.
  • Long term ingestion of zeolite and zeolite + fulvic/humic has been found by many people to have long term health benefits but have a break from time to time. Don’t take a break in flu season!
  • Babies, infants and toddlers should not be given any of the products except for short term use in cases of emergency, e.g. diarrhoea, and then only a minimal amount according to weight and age. Consult a health practitioner first.

Fulvic acid and humic acid differ in molecular size, with fulvic acid having the smaller molecular size. Fulvic acid has become very popular throughout the world as a health supplement but humic acid has been shown to be equally or, in some cases, more effective because of its larger molecular size, e.g. it is humic acid which aids detoxification by bonding with inorganic cations, inorganic anions and organic compounds.

Fulvic acid is water soluble, humic acid is not water soluble so the combination of both fulvic and humic acids in powder form is more effective than liquid fulvic acid extract and the powder is also more cost effective.

Some humic substances are taken from peat which can be detrimental to the environment. The fulvic/humic acid we supply comes from the finest quality leonardite deposits in Hungary. These leonardite deposits are free of any contaminants and pollutants and can be considered as an almost “sterile” raw material for humic acid extraction.

The combination of Australian zeolite and fulvic/humic complex is a dynamic detoxifying mineral blend.

Zeolite Water

  • When making zeolite water it is important to avoid inhaling the very fine dust, not because it is toxic but because inhaling any fine dust should be avoided. To do this put the water into the glass first then plunge the spoonful of zeolite into the glass quickly, resting the spoon on the bottom. Leave for a few seconds before stirring.
  • You can drink zeolite water as soon as it has been made or for babies, infants, toddlers, children and for those adults with a delicate stomach let it sit for about 5 minutes so the sediment drops to the bottom of the glass then drink the liquid and use the remaining sediment for other purposes.
  • The daily dose is 1 level teaspoon (2.5 g) per day which can gradually be increased to 5 g per day if required. Rather than taking your daily dose all at once, drink half when you make it up and half later.
  • If you are very toxic, take 1/4 level teaspoon (625 g) per day and build up dosage very slowly.
  • Add to food or drink some soon after eating as this will help to prevent over-detoxing and its symptoms.

Source of Zeo Natural’s Zeolite Powder

The source of Zeo Natural’s superfine zeolite powder is a pristine rural location near Quirindi, NSW. The mine supplies the finest quality, pure Australian Organic Certified zeolite available.

The zeolite deposit is solid red rock, 305 million years old and covered by a protective layer of paramagnetic conglomerate rock.

Australian Organic Certified Processing

After the zeolite rocks have been mined they are crushed and sieved into a wide range of grades which are used for many purposes, e.g. granules for filtration and fine powder for animal feed.

The fine powder is further processed by air filtration, where the larger particles drop down leaving behind only the very finest particles. The particle size range of the remaining superfine zeolite powder is 85% 0 – 40 microns with an average of 19 microns. Whatever size particle the zeolite is processed to, the internal pore size of the zeolite molecule stays the same.

Mineralogy and CEC

The mineral make up of our Australian zeolite is 85% clinoptilolite and 15% mordenite, another variety of zeolite which is also beneficial for health, with minor amounts of quartz, feldspar and montmorillonite. That’s 100% zeolite compared with other zeolites from overseas which contain only 65 – 75% zeolite. Australian zeolite is very powerful, with an average cation exchange capacity of 150 meq/100g.

It’s important to make sure you know the mineral make up and source of the zeolite you choose, whether it’s from Australia or overseas.

Choosing Zeo Natural’s zeolite products ensures you’ll be using the purest and most powerful zeolite available in Australia, if not the world!